
A reminder to stretch

Repair freaking headphones asap…mail them off tomorrow or Thursday.

Affixing Resolutions. Also, using ** notation consistently I think. Leaving CS-y notes in here and outside the ST document for the time being.

Back to ST ~1 hr

HEP Notes: Planning out meeting material first. Then organizing some more. UGH stupidstupidstupid.

Note for posterity: https://answers.launchpad.net/calchep/+question/240388 Answers the question: How do I use sum_22.m in CalcHEP with symb1.m in order to actually get the cross section.

While I’ve dealt with ugly multiline expressions before, this looks like it will be my main method for organizing long equations in the future: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/89615/split-expressions-with-parentheses-in-align-environment

That and this is cool for fixing the height of delimiters: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1990791/how-do-you-make-parentheses-match-height-when-theyre-split-between-lines-in-lat

Things to mention finished: Checked by-hand calculations and records of color factors

Things to mention close to finished: Fortran code

Things to mention not so close: Completed document

Picking date for next meeting in advanced and make sure meeting is short and reasonably on topic research-wise. Ask about charged Higgs work.

ST / Comp Sci ~ 1.5 hr

Regex notes:
Only use up until a lexer makes sense. Use a lexer up until you need a parser.

Regex can be used to make simplify creating lexers that feed into simple parsers…welp.


python syntax mostly

“If a regular expression matches a line, then it gets printed”

Taking a look at this exercise you can see that if you put a word, or any character, then regetron finds it. If the word isn’t in the corpus then it’s not found.

raw searching for strings includes spaces. I still don’t know full regex language or how to search for things that contain regex language yet…more to come I suppose.

Any character by using .
” T.e.l.z
0000: The lazy dog”
nice…didn’t expect that to work since I forgot spaces ><‘
match mode appears to require exact matching of a line rather than searching within the line

a string of n “.” matches a line with n characters

“everything” depends on the language. Python does not include new line characters.


done 0-3, start 4 next time

**Finish reading: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression at some point

C/C++ argument, internet says:

You pick C when

you need portable assembler (which is what C is, really) for whatever reason,
your platform doesn’t provide C++ (a C compiler is much easier to implement),
you need to interact with other languages that can only interact with C (usually the lowest common denominator on any platform) and your code consists of little more than the interface, not making it worth to lay a C interface over C++ code,
you hack in an Open Source project (many of which, for various reasons, stick to C),
you don’t know C++.
In all other cases you should pick C++.”


From yesterday;

chestpain not bad
sck mach kinda punk
okay album

Heart of darkness starts alright

30 mins of chinese in
1.5 hours of tan
1 hourr bogdan